This game I saw a few days ago at YouTube, but I decided to play only today. Why so "long" I delayed with playing? Well, I'm don't type person which often to playing at game. It's because I'm really hopeless when it comes about winning. The only game that I won a "Golden Gryziwąs". Yes, it's a game for kids! >o<)/
"Five Nights at Freddy's" jest z gatunku horroru. Jesteśmy nowym ochroniarzem i pracujemy w pizzeri. Mamy przetrwać każdą noc. Ta gra nie jest skomplikowana, ale trzeba mieć refleks i być skupionym. Niestety mi się nie udało przetrwać drugiej nocy.
"Five Nights at Freddy's" is a horror. We're new bodyguard and working in a pizzeria. We are to survive every night. This game is not complicated, but have to have reflexes and be focused.
Unfortunately, I could not survive a second night.
Zdjęcie z Google.
Photo from Google.
Zdjęcia wzięłam z Google. Nie wiem czemu nie mogę zrobić screenshot'a. (._. )
Photo I took from Google. I don't know why I can't do screenshot.
Pomieszczenie z którego dowodzimy wygląda tak:
Room from which we command look so:
Gra jest naprawdę fajna. Na pewno zagram w to jeszcze raz.
Game is really cool. Surely I'll play at this again.
Do zobaczenia!
See you!
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